What is Flow?

We started Flow in 2021, at the peak of the pandemic. The concept was born out of the realisation of how important and amazing it is to experience the Flow state, combined with the lack of meaning behind most clothing brands in today's world. 

We thought, why wear a tshirt or jumper with another random person's name on it, rather than something that you stand for and has meaning behind it? 


Flow is a mental state often referred to as "the state of optimal experience", where the mind functions at its peak, time may seem distorted and a sense of happiness prevails.

Flow is achieved when one is so totally immersed and engaged in what they are doing that all thoughts, worries and frustrations melt away and a feeling of pure aliveness takes over. 

Whether you are playing sports, listening to music, making art, laughing with your friends, dancing at a concert or working on your passion, flow is the zone you enter where you both feel your best and perform your best. 

It is being so ecstatically alive, in the now, that nothing else matters.




